New Blog Challenge – 30 Day Blog Challenge

I’m still recovering a little (much to my frustration), and I’ve yet to have that blood test (it’s happening Monday, I still don’t want it, but well I promised the boyfriend I would).
Hence I decided to start another blog challenge because I am doing quite a lot of things lately but it’s all just passing by too quickly for me to write about it, so when I sit down to actually do just that – it feels like it’s too late and I’m onto other things. I will get up to speed though dammit, and start getting on form again.
So here’s the challenge:

30 Day Blog Challenge

1.    15 facts about me

2.    My favorite song

3.    A recent photo and a photo from 10 years ago

4.    My favorite movie

5.    What’s in my bag/ purse?

6.    My favorite book

7.    My day in detail

8.    My favorite quote

9.    How important is education

10.  My favorite writer

11.  My hobbies

12.  A photograph of the town I live in

13.  My favorite food

14.  My favorite vacation

15.  My favorite songs that match a certain mood

16.  A photo of the last item I bought

17.  What I wore yesterday

18.  What’s in my make up bag?

19.  My favorite musician

20.  A photo of somewhere I’ve been to

21.  My favorite TV show

22.  Something I don’t leave the house without

23.  My celebrity crush

24.  A photo of something that means a lot to me

25.  Three good things that have happened in the past 3 months

26.  My favorite memory

27.  What I’m currently reading

28.  My favorite place

29.  My wish for the future

30.  What has been going on this month

Pretty simple, but fun.

3 thoughts on “New Blog Challenge – 30 Day Blog Challenge

      1. You need to email me anyway missy! But yes I will.

        I won’t be posting this everyday, it will be every few days or whatever like the song challenge.

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